Thursday, December 13, 2012


We have been doing stations this week at practice.  Each lane is a different station with it's own exercise.  We divide the kids up into 4 lanes and run 5 minutes each station for two rounds.  The total time it takes to complete the set is about 45 minutes.  40 minutes for the stations and some transition time to get from lane to lane.

12-12-12 practice:

Warm up
500 (50 free, 50 no free)

Station 1:  Rotation
8 twists & 50 backstroke.  (Out of the water, take a 6 foot long painters pole and rest it on your shoulders.  Hold the pole with your hands out to the side with your elbows bent.  Twist until the tip on the pole passes your center line.  Keep your head still and feet planted).

Station 2:  Sculling
Sit on a kickboard and front scull (windshield wipers) non-stop.  Hands and elbows in front of body.  Finger tips down, elbows high.

Station 3:  Pulling
With paddles and buoy, non-stop 5 minute swim.  50 back, 50 free.

Station 4:  Turns
Starting at the middle of the pool, race in and out of your walls practicing fast turns.  Alternate free and open turns.

12x100 lane 1 & 2 on 1:30, lane 3 on 1:40, lane 4 on 1:45 (50 stroke [IM order], 50 free)

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