Monday, November 22, 2010

Use Tivo for Instant Video Feedback

For a couple of weeks now I have been using what I call instant video feedback during skills work for my groups. This form of video feedback involves a monitor (in my case a 27 inch TV), a Tivo series 2 DVR, and a video camera. I set up the video camera to film the turns or starts we are working on and use the Tivo to delay the playback. Once the kids have executed the desired skill, they exit the water immediately and review with either myself or my assistant and get instant visual feedback.  This also allows the coaches to analyze and give verbal feedback on what they can do better for the next round. We do this for about a half hour each week with great results.  I have noticed some great improvements with this form of video technology application.  The kids can see what they are doing right and wrong and quickly get a chance to re-do and improve on it. The kids love it, the parents think it is the best thing on the planet, and the coahces get a chance to use yet another tool in the toolbox.
Any ideas on how to improve on instant video feedback? Comments are welcome!


  1. Tivo works pretty well. We have Dartfish, which gives us the ability to split the screen between recorded swims as well as having a live delay. So we can have an Olympian running in a loop on one half with the other half on live delay. You could probably do the same thing by splitting your screen between a computer and the tivo.

    I tried out video feedback at a meet early in the season and the kids dug it. I could also go back and review the races after the fact, and that really helped.

  2. At our pool the divers have a videocamera + computer with delay - the coach also wants to look it up himself when he's diving, so he even has a waterproof remote, so he can use them all even when wet.

    Sad to say that the swimmers are stone age here compared to the divers, even though the diving club is minimal in size compared to the swim clubs.

  3. We recently purchased the most awesome underwater video equipment I have seen. The company is called StrokeView. You can find them at We bought the Silver package. It comes ready to use out of the box (creat) with four cameras, DVR, moniter, DVD burner and wireless mich; all on a cart ready to go. We run the DVR in "triplex mode" which allows us to continually record entire practices while pulling kids out of the water to review their swims; while still recording the other swimmers. The cameras have a wide enough throw that if you set one on the bottom between two lanes facing down the lane, you can easily and clearly see both lanes. You can easily record six lanes of swimmers coming down the lane. I like setting the fourth camera off to the side far enough from the other lanes to catch side views of all of the lanes. We use this system almost every day at practice, alternating between groups. The instant feedback is awesome. Sometimes we set all four cameras up to film multipal underwater and above water views of one lane for complete video analysis, but this does take time away from regular practice. The system comes ready to use out of a big creat; no set up; already on a cart. It is really simple to use so everyone feels comfortable using it. I am sure you could probably build one of these yourself for a little less money, but after a year of doing research trying to figure out what exactly I needed, I decided to give this company a shot. The total system delivered was under $4000. I couldn't be more pleased. Check them out. You are also welcome to come up and see it in action and try it yourself.

  4. Mark - I have seen the advertisements for that StrokeView and it looks great. It seems expensive but from what you say it would definitely be worth it. If we could get the team to fork over the cash for it I would love to give it a try...Maybe it can be in next years budget. Thanks for the feedback.

  5. Anyone have a "Set up for Dummies" on how to get this to work. Bought a TIVO but am having difficulties getting the video cam to play through it.


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