So, what I did was write down each idea on flash cards. Each flash card had a different idea. At the first practice, I had 3 kids choose a card and told them that they were going to be a part of my experiment. I told them not to tell me what idea was on the card they picked. Their goal was to do that one thing so well that I could easily guess at the end of practice what they were focusing on. Also, told them that they would be rewarded if I could guess correctly. I ended up getting 2 out of 3 correct.
The next practice I decided to let the girls pick a card and the boys pick a different card. Again, they couldn't tell me what it was and that I was going to guess what they had. This time I made sure to remind them to focus on everything during practice and the idea on the card was to be done even better.
The boys made it difficult to figure out because everything was done fairly sloppy, even if it was better than average. I guessed way wrong.
The girls also made it difficult. But they did everything so perfect and their attention to detail was flawless. I was wrong on my first guess, but I got it on the second.
It was a fun idea and I am still thinking of new ways to use this game to get more out of my kids.
Any ideas?