Thursday, February 20, 2014

Redeployment Parent Meeting Notes

Redeployment notes:  Mission Viejo Nadadores 
10 & Under Division
Coach Bryan Dedaux (Division Director)

There are two "Redeployment" times per year
~ Once in Sept. and once in Feb.

~ Depends on the birthdate of the athlete - If the child turns 11 before the next Champs meet (J.O.s or Super J.O.s) then they will be moved to the 11-12 Division.  If they are still 9 or 10 at that meet then they stay in the 10 & Under division as they will be competing as a 10 and Under if qualified.
~ Each 10 Blue swimmer ageing up will move to the 11-12 Silver Group.
~ Each 10 Gold swimmer ageing up will move to the 11-12 Blue Group.  
A small step up is better than a giant leap.  Yardage increases.  Technical curriculum continues.  Physiology plays a bigger part in practice planning.

Intra-Divisional Moves
~Based on just 4 criteria:
-Practice performance (Effort):  Is the child swimming with a purpose?  Is the effort to make challenging bases there?  When the bases are not challenging, are they still working hard or are they just going through the motions?  Are they understanding the different layers within each set and staying engaged in the workout.  Are they disciplined in regards to breath control in and out of walls and breathing patterns for each stroke?  Do they understand descending and apply the theory when asked?  Do they "work their turns" or just go from one lap to the other without considering the effort and technique that they have learned about turns and breakouts.  Effort in Dryland plays an important part in this as well.  
-Maturity:  Reading the clock.  Understanding when to leave.  Paying attention when the coach talks.  Active listening.  Following simple but important "Coach Bryan" rules.  Ability to hear a direction, then apply it within a set or exercise.  Remembering what the primary drills are and how to do them correctly.  Responding when the coach tells you something.  Taking criticism with the proper response.  Controlling emotions.  Taking dryland seriously.
-Technique:  Fly.  Back.  Brst.  Free.  IM turns.  Flip turns.  Open turns.  Dives.  Breakouts.  Finishes.  Dryland exercises.  All technique is evaluated.

-Attendance:  Swim meets:  Each day of the meet and the maximum number of events is expected in these groups.  4 practices a week is the expectation for workout attendance.  Has your child been coming at least 4 times per week?  Are other sports in the mix?  We like athletic kids!  We can work with you.  Family vacations are fine...As long as they don't fall on a very important Champs meet weekend that your child has been working for.